
Neeladree Choudhury

Hi ! I am ...

... Neeladree Choudhury, a senior year student at National Institute of Technology, Warangal; majoring in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

I am a competitive programming enthusiast, a curious developer, and a novice designer.

I love sketching portraits, reading books and listening to music! I love to learn new, interesting things.

Also, about 10 years back, I participated in a coordinated drum ensemble in Shillong, Meghalaya which ended up creating a Guiness World Record for the largest drum ensemble in the world !
P.S. - I'm not a drummer !

stars B.tech

NIT Warangal, EEE

Activities at ACM Student Chapter,
Participation in ACM ICPC 2016

2014 - Present

stars AISSCE

Army Public School, Narangi, Guwahati

Grade 12 CBSE, Graduated with 94.6%

Passed - 2013

stars AISSE

SBOA Public School, Guwahati

Grade 10 CBSE, Graduated with 10 CGPA.

Passed - 2011

  • Languages

  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Web Scripting

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • FrameWorks

  • label_outlineCodeIgnitor PHP
  • label_outline BootStrap CSS
  • label_outlineMaterialize CSS
  • label_outlineAnimate CSS

  • Vendor Module for aapkapainter.com

    Built a module for vendor management for aapkapainter.com based on hmvc model. Used CodeIgniter, MySQL.

  • VitalPlus Windows App

    Developed for Microsoft’s Code.Fun.Do,this app tells the userthe location of the approximately nearest shop that actually hasthe medicine being searched for. Used Visual Studio.

    Link Here

  • Breakout Game Implementation

    Developed an implementation for the famous Breakout Game in JavaScript. Used JS Canvas.

    Link Here

  • Resume Website

    Developed a Resume Website for myself. This is it ! Used Materialize.css, Animate.css, Jquery and plain JS.

    Link Here


Participated in ACM ICPC Regionals in 2016 at Amritapuri & Kolkata.

Machine Learning - Stanford University

Introductory Course on Machine Learning. Learnt about the fundamental Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms.

Getting Started with Python - University of Michigan

An introductory Course on Python. Learnt about basic programming concepts in Python: expressions, conditionals, loops, functions.

Python Data Strutures - University of Michigan

Learnt about file handing. Learnt about the various data structures used in Python like Strings, Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries, and various methods associated with them.

Using Python to Access Web Data - University of Michigan

Learnt about RegEx, networks and sockets, web crawlers, APIs and API keys, XML, JSON, and REST Architecture , and how to extract them from a webpage.

Using Databases with Python - University of Michigan

Learnt about the Object Oriented nature of Python and how to write object oriented code in Python. Learnt about SQL, databases and the relational model. Did a few visualizations of the data in the databases.